plus skins and plugins.Īlternatively, you might be interested in joining Darren Owen's ( Winamp Community Update Pack project.

Tip: If you need to download the Winamp app, check out this post: Download the last stable version of Winamp 5. Metaskins Team presents: GrayZ a Winamp5 Modern Skin. There is an official forum thread for this skin HERE. Many thanks to the author for sharing this skin with Winaero. You can download the updated skin from here: It is a modern skin (*.wal) which utilizes all the rich features of Winamp's skin engine. Two skins for Winamp or XMMS, Audaciousgxmms2, qmmp, promoe- meant to look. Skin information: Skin Name: Quinto Black CT v1.6.

The skin supports several color themes: You can download the updated skin from here: Download Quinto Black CT. While the Winamp application is not getting updates for several years, it still has plenty of users. It is a modern skin (.wal) which utilizes all the rich features of Winamp's skin engine. The Quinto Black CT skin is created by PeterK., who is known for his high quality skins for Winamp. Here is a screenshot of the latest version of this gorgeous skin: One of my favorite skins, "Quinto Black CT" version 1.6 is now available. If you are using Winamp too, here is good news. From my personal experience, it is one of the most versatile and feature-rich media players, has an enormous variety of plugins and skins available and is stable enough for every day use. These skins were discovered by Dan, a friend of MajorGeeks who recently found these 160 skins on a backup drive. Winamp is one of the most popular media players available for Windows. It's also one of the oldest ones. Winamp Skins is a collection of 160 skins for Winamp that still work with the latest release including Winamp Lite and Winamp Full. You can download Winamp from today.RЕCOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windоws issues and optimize system performance A list of the new skins will appear and you can just click on the one you want and the skin is then applied to Winamp. Next open the Winamp application and press Alt-S to browse your skins. Next you have to place the downloaded zip files into the “skins” section under your Winamp directory e.g.

Once you have located a file you want, then save the zip file to you PC. This will open a browser window and will allow you to choose some new ones for your player form Winamp’s website/or you can search the Internet. In the drop down men of Winamp, click on ‘skins’ and ‘get more skins’. Skins provide a fresh, new look by changing the colour and/or the shape of the interface, sometimes-new buttons and other features can accompany these. Winamp’s media player comes with the ability to apply new ‘skins’. Bored Of How Winamp Looks? Customize Your Skins!